Thursday, 7 May 2009

I moved twelve times in nine years to find a new home, each time finding a few things that were less important than the last time they were carefully wrapped and packed.

I discovered that I don’t need a chipped bowl, a cardigan with a coffee stain, a photo of the Duomo that was never properly framed, half a set of candle holders, insurance documents for rings I no longer own, a cracked makeup mirror from the National Gallery, half a set of placements, a lighter & cigarette case (I no longer smoke), half a tool kit, bed linen for beds we no longer own, cassette compilations a decade after ditching my last tape player, half of a story that made everyone laugh each time we told it, a wholesale supply of micropore tape (I no longer bite my nails), keys for properties we no longer own, half a conversation that ripped us in four, small change in lira, francs or pesetas.